Release your Rotator Cuff and end your Shoulder Pain
The rotator cuff is a combination of four muscles that help hold the humerus (upper arm) into the shoulder socket. These four muscles work together to hold the arm into the shoulder joint during all shoulder movements, think of them as guy wires pulling from all different directions to hold the arm into the shoulder. The shoulder girdle is as important to the movement of our upper body as our pelvis is for our lower body. If any of these muscles are too tight, too short, too long, etc, it causes an imbalance resulting in pain, restricted movement, limited range of motion, nerve pain and a host of other issues. Many times people go to a traditional medical doctor and walk away with pain killers or anti inflammatory medications often with no desired results. If your shoulder pain is due to muscles/soft tissue imbalance, this lesson will teach you what you need to know and what to do to improve your shoulder health, improve range of motion , prevent further injury and bring muscles back into balance and reduce pain and restriction. Cost: $65.00 per person |
Release your Shoulder Pain Lesson |
Schedule your next appointment or call (503) 957-3696